The Benefits of Cardio Exercises- By: Margot Oliver

Description : The best way to burn fat all over your body is by moving. Doing any type of activity that gets you moving contributes to your flat stomach goal.

Start by walking or jogging 3-4 times a week to increase your heart rate and boost your metabolism. By boosting your metabolism you burn excess calories and eliminate fat all over your body. You can also go swimming or dancing instead if you prefer.

The benefits of cardio exercises
•You burn calories and lose weight
•Cardio exercises make your heart stronger so that it doesn’t have to work as hard to pump blood
•Doing cardio helps reduce risk of heart attack, high cholesterol, high blood pressure and diabetes
•Cardio increases your lung capacity
•Cardio Exercises help you sleep better
•It makes you feel good
•It helps reduce stress

Sample cardio exercise that you can try right now
Try this exercise to really get your heart rate up.
1. Start by jogging 5 minutes to warm up.
2. Sprint for 2 minutes
3. Slow down to a comfortable jogging pace for 5 minutes
4. Sprint for 2 minutes
5. Go back to jogging for 5 minutes

If you want to lose fat or change your body, one of the most important things you can do is lift weights. Diet and cardio are equally important, but when it comes to changing how your body looks, weight training wins hands down. If you’ve hesitated to start a strength training program, it may motivate you to know that lifting weights can:
•Help raise your metabolism. Muscle burns more calories than fat, so the more muscle you have, the more calories you’ll burn all day long.
•Strengthen bones, especially important for women
•Make you stronger and increase muscular endurance
•Help you avoid injuries
•Increase your confidence and self-esteem
•Improve coordination and balance

Before you get started on setting up your routine, keep a few key points in mind:
1.Always warm up before you start lifting weights. This helps get your muscles warm and prevent injury. You can warm up with light cardio or by doing a light set of each exercise before going to heavier weights.

1.Lift and lower your weights slowly. Don’t use momentum to lift the weight. If you have to swing to get the weight up, chances are you’re using too much weight.

1.Breathe. Don’t hold your breath and make sure you’re using full range of motion throughout the movement.

1.Stand up straight. Pay attention to your posture and engage your abs in every movement you’re doing to keep your balance and protect your spine.

Diet and Nutrition.
Keep the saturated fat and refined carbohydrates DOWN! No more than 25 percent total fat, and no fatty pastries, refined sugars, colas, biscuits, cakes, sweets and junk like that.

For Weight Gainers
A low-fat protein, mainly poultry meats, non-fat dairy, fish like tuna and salmon, and beans and plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables. Make sure you eat enough. The most fundamental error that hopeful weight and muscle gainers make is not eating enough quality food.
Eat plenty of fruit and vegetables, whole grains, beans, nuts and seeds; some lean meats, fish, eggs, low-fat dairy products other sources of lean protein in your diet, such as: Chicken, Turkey, 93% Lean Red Meat, Egg Whites, Tuna, Shrimp, Tilapia, Mackerel & Salmon.
•and mono and polyunsaturated oils
•Limit intake of saturated fat, cholesterol, salt, alcohol and an excess of added sugars and sugary foods
•Drink plenty of water
•Maintain a normal weight
•Exercise regularly.
Here is a Muscle Advance Weight Gainer to help you build up the healthy way. Get a Free Bottle Order so you can try it before you buy it.
To bulk up effectively, you need to consume 1.5g of good quality protein per pound of body weight. So if you weigh 200 lbs, for example, you need to eat about 300g of protein a day.
Muscle Advance Weight Gainer is designed to deliver the best quality protein for your muscle growth and health a whopping 52g per serving! We include Ion Exchanged Whey Protein Isolate, Cross-Flow Micro filtered Whey Protein Isolate, and Ultra-filtered Whey Protein Concentrates.

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